Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do schools kill creativity?

I have watched the Video of Sir Ken Robinson speaking on 'Schools killing Creativity',time and again and even shared it with my fellow educators. Sir Ken Robinson explains it all very well.
Schools do curb and kill creativity. Schools only foster monotony, routine and make our children Information-mongers.
Academic Assessment in School Subjects is such as fosters only Lower Order Thinking. No School encourages Higher Order Thinking Skills of Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.

Creativity is Dynamic while School Teaching –Learning Process lacks that. Creativity is Originality, Fluency, Spontaneity and Elaboration. It needs Divergent Thinking, Creative Thinking (OUT OF THE BOX) and Lateral Thinking. Schools have not been doing this. This has been the reason that some Educators have been advocating ‘Alternatives to Schooling.”
‘The School is Dead’, ‘Compulsory Miss-education’, ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ are some wonderful Books that deal with the damage done and being done by Schools.

Creativity needs an environment of freedom, innovation, experimentation, resourcefulness, Challenges to think, Projects, Hypothesis Formulation and Hypothesis Testing, Inferences to be tested and verified, Inductive and Deductive Approach, Brainstorming and so on.
Where do the Schools cater to this? There may be a few teachers and a few good Schools attempting all this; but these are a few oases in a ‘desert of dead habit.’

Sorry to say the Schools are no longer fostering Creativity.”

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